
Friday 7 May 2021

Net Making using Geogebra

Today during Maths we have learnt how to create a pentagonal base prism on Geogbra
( click here for the site). As this was my first experience it was quite difficult at first but enjoyed making shapes and developing my knowledge in geometry.

Image 1: As you can see here this shows the shape with its net

Image 2:  You can see here the full result.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Study Notes→Numbers

 Study Notes→Numbers:

  1. Multiples: Values of a certain number.

Factors: Variety of numbers that make up a value.

Primes: A number that can only be divided by itself.

HCF: The highest number that both value have factors of.

LCF: The opposite of HCF, the lowest number that both values have a factor of.

2)  Order of Operations:







Left to right


3) Rounding:

5 or more we add to its nearest 10,100, 1000 etc.

4 or less leave it the same.

E.g. 654 1dp= 650

7.39= 7.40


4) Standard Form:

Numbers that are from 1-9 and it depends on the times you move it.


5) Conversion Fraction=Decimal=Percentages

Fraction= Decimal= Dived the fraction/  E.g. ½= 0.5

Fraction & Decimal= x 100= Percentage

Percentage / 100= Decimal & Fraction


6) Percentage:

E.g. Percentage of means times= x

10% of 600= is the same as= 10 x 600


7) Percentages Increase/dec:

Original form= (1+ r/100)= Find

Find= Divideby( 1+ r/100)


8) Ratio

Step 1: Convert the ratio to Fraction

Step2: Then find the fraction of the value

E.g Share 60 into 2:3?

  1. 2:3= ⅔

  2. ⅔ of 60=  40


Thursday 4 February 2021

Waitangi Day

 Waitangi Day

  • 3 facts about what you know about the Treaty of Waitangi

    • The Treaty of Waitangi was an official public holiday on 1974.

    • It was signed on February 6, 1840.

    • It was signed by the British Crown and roughly around 540 Maori Chiefs.

  • 2-3 different points of view on the Waitangi Day:

    • People look at Waitangi as a day of celebration of the settlement or " peace" amongst the British and Maori people.

    • Other People disagree that Waitangi should be a public holiday. In their perspective, Maori were not given the respect and honour for their people.

    • From another point of view, people have a day of from work and school.

After viewing both perspectives, I clearly understand where they are coming from. However, I am not sure whether to celebrate Waitangi or not.

In my opinion, Waitangi day is important to learn about as it is one of the main events recorded in the NZ History. Not everything settled down peacefully but it is important that our generation and from then on learn this as it would help them understand about the Maori culture.

Image result for treaty of waitangi