
Friday 19 October 2018

🍫Technology Cooking- Chocolate Muffins!🍫

Malo Lelei and greetings to you all and welcome to my blog!

 As you know that every thursdays we go to Technology! Now I am very excited( as always) because we are going to cook something new! Every week we cook something different. Today we are cooking... CHOCOLATE MUFFINS!!! I am such a big FAN OF CHOCOLATE AND MUFFINS!! So I was really looking foward to it!

My buddy was Edith! Me and Edith have worked really well last week. So we decided why not, just buddy up with each other again! As always, we go througth the 4 main rules.

Which are:

Now we move on, and make our CHOCOLATE MUFFINS!

Here is the Recipie:
1. 2c of SRF( Self Rising Flour)
2. 1c of sugar
3. 1/2 cup of oil
4. 1c of milk
5. 1 egg
6. 1/4 of coco

Now when you are combining all of these ingridents you have to be very carful. If you stir it to much or fast then, you will lose to much of air, and when you put it into the oven it won't form into that circle round shape. This is why you fold it instead of stiring it. And you only stir it for 4 minutes or esle, if you overdue it, the mixtutre would be thick and when you put it into the oven it would be flat. This is why it was important to follow this process.

Then you can pour the mixture into the muffin tray, but half a serving spoon or else if you put to much or less it won't form into the right shape. Now this is another thing that you would have to be really careful about.

Put it into the oven and heat the oven to 180℃ for 15 minutes. Grab a toothpeck stick and poke the muffin. When you bring the stick out and there is something on it, then it is not ready. But if there is nothing on the stick then it is cooked!

You can now enjoy your own Chocolate Muffins!

Now you can make your own Chocolate Muffins!

I really enjoyed working with Edith, we have really worked well togther( well everytime!). With our Muffins Edith accidently added 1/2 cup of coco( which made our ones thick, but luckily Ms Tuipulotu came to the rescue! Our Muffins actually turned out great! It was even more CHOCOALTY then everyone elses!

Hope you enjoy this blogpost!

Question: Do you have a different way of making Chocolate muffins?

Feel Free to commment down below!

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